How do you grow up being Madonna’s daughter?

Daily Mail
Daily Mail

You may have seen Madonna's daughter Lourdes, who is 12 years old, featured in Madge's new "Celebration" video. Supposedly there is an alternate version of the video where Lourdes is dressed up in her mom's famous wedding dress outfit from "Like a Virgin." Is this really appropriate for a preteen?

It's impossible to know how much of Madonna's current or past life Lourdes knows about or is exposed to. Is she aware that her mom has a sex book? That she was known for simulating masturbation on stage? That she has upset various cultures and religious leaders by pushing their limits in her music videos and performances? We wonder what it must be like for Lourdes growing up with Madonna as her mother.

Lourdes joins her mom on stage in Israel. They almost look like sisters.
Lourdes joins her mom on stage in Israel. They almost look like sisters.

Many might argue that Madonna has set a horrible example for her daughter by being overly sexual and not acting her age or being an appropriate and responsible mother figure. Others might suggest that Lourdes will grow up particularly enlightened with such an open and free-spirited parent. One thing is for sure: Her upbringing has not been the norm. For one, she's traveled the world on tour with her mom, and grew up with her time split between the United States and Europe. She's been immensely privileged wearing head-to-tow designer clothing (Burberry for example) since infancy. She's seen her mother don the skimpiest of outfits at 50+ years old in front of thousands of people and for magazine shoots. She's also never lived with her birth father (Carlos Leon was Madonna's old trainer) and now Madonna's 22-year-old boyfriend has moved in with them. He's only 10 years older than she is.

6-year-old Lourdes plays flower girl in her mom's 2003 performance of Like a Virgin with Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera on MTV
6-year-old Lourdes plays flower girl in her mom's 2003 performance of Like a Virgin with Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera on MTV

Here's another interesting issue with being Madonna's daughter: Lourdes has grown up in the shadow of perhaps pop culture's biggest fashion icon and trend setter. Imagine if your mother was a celebrity famous for forecasting and creating fashion trends. It could be cool, but it might also be annoying or embarrassing. It's a lot to compete with! Would you follow your mom's style advice or would you rebel and have your own unique style?

So what is different about Lourdes from any other celebrity kid? Many of them grow up wealthy and privileged. Many of them also have blended families or young step-dads--look at Ashton Kuther and Demi Moore's family. What seems different in the case of Lourdes, is she grew up with a mother who has been portrayed as hyper-sexual and extremely trendy. Now that Lourdes is entering her teens, this strong persona may not be the most appropriate or easy for her to understand. She has already expressed great interest in the performing arts and fashion. It will be interesting to see how she comes into her own in the spotlight.

What do you think would be the pros and cons of being Madonna's daughter? Do you think Madonna has done a good job of raising Lourdes? Why or why not? With Lourdes already inching her way into the spotlight with a hunger for fame, how do you think Lourdes will turn out? [Daily Mail]