How Do You Handle a Nap Schedule with Two Babies?

I thought naps were easy.

I was working full-time when Penny's nap schedule got all squared away, so as far as I was concerned, it just magically … happened. Her dad, the nap ninja, did all the on-site heavy lifting. I joked, though it was kinda true, that I played the stereotypical "fun dad" all weekend, screwing up Penny's naps because I had so much STUFF I wanted to do with her, and she'd end up exhausted.

I don't necessarily think that's even such a bad thing, but I'm sure he was glad to return her to her routine when the work-week started again.

This time, I'm the one in charge, and urrgh! I don't know what to do! When it's just one kid, you can focus on her needs and get her down when she needs to. If you just pay attention, it's do-able. I've noticed that Abby gets tired at regular intervals now, after a few months of eat-play-sleep rotations. She used to fall asleep in her car-seat even while toddlers swirled around her, but these days she finds them all too exciting, and tries to stay awake.A friend told me that her first morning nap should start exactly two hours after she wakes in the morning, and that has turned out to be true: this morning she napped, alone in her cot, for 90 minutes, starting at 9:30. How's that for scheduling! It was so peaceful and great to play quietly with Penny, fold laundry, and clean up breakfast while she slept.

But does this mean we never have a morning activity? When is her second nap supposed to start? What about that late-afternoon one?

To give advice about Penny and Abby's duel sleep schedule, visit Babble.

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