How NOT to Discipline Your Kid

No matter how many times you tell your toddler not to paint on the walls or climb on the couch, he doesn't seem to listen. Sound familiar? If yes, you've got a discipline problem on your hands. We're not saying it's your fault, but it's possible that you're making some mistakes when it comes to discipline.

Here are some of the most common discipline mistakes parents make:

- Losing your cool: Kids can drive parents crazy. It's only natural to get a little bent out of shape sometimes. You're not a saint, after all! But keep in mind that kids tend to respond better when you talk to them calmly rather than yelling.

- Letting the kids set the rules: It's fine to give your kid choices, but don't treat him like a grown-up and give him the (false) impression that he has as much say in setting rules as you do!

More from ParentsConnect: I Suck at Discipline

- Constantly saying "no": Let's face it. If you say "no" to everything, your kid is going to get pretty crabby. So instead, try to come up with a new way of phrasing that "No." Instead of "no hitting," why not try "we don't hit in this house?"

- Inconsistency:
One day you tell your kid he can't watch TV after school and the next day you change your mind and let him veg in front of the tube for hours on end. This type of inconsistency isn't fair. As a parent, you need to be as consistent as possible so that your kid knows what to expect.

More from ParentsConnect: How to Use Verbal Methods of Discipline

- No consequences: If you tell your kid he's not allowed to play with your new iPhone and he does it anyway, set a (reasonable and fair) consequence. If you don't follow through with your threats, your kid'll figure out that you're just bluffing when you say "No" and learn to ignore you.Don't feel bad if you do any (or all!) of the above. Remember- these are the most common discipline mistakes which means that we all make them. Nobody's perfect all of the time!

Do you make any of these mistakes? Can you think of any we forgot?

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