How to get your kids to part with all that Halloween candy

Are you freaking out about all the Halloween candy that your kids are going to eat? We have just the ticket for what to do with all that of those sweet treats. She’s called...The Switch Witch. Have you ever heard of her? Well, you’re not alone. When we hit the streets we learned that many moms had never heard of the switch witch.

Here’s how it works…

On Halloween night, explain to the kids that they get to pick their ten favorite pieces of candy to keep, but they have to leave the rest of the candy for the Switch Witch. While they’re asleep, the Switch Witch will come in the middle of the night and replace their bag of candy with a super cool toy. This is a great way for the kids to part with that bag of candy without you being the bad guy. If the idea of a witch sneaking around at night is too scary for your youngsters, call her “the candy fairy” instead.

[Related: 6 Things Kids Can Do With Extra Halloween Candy]

Remember, the toy doesn’t have to be expensive, but it should be something that leaves them equally as content as candy. Try stickers, crayons, a little gadget from a local store, a stamp and pad, or anything else that the kids can actually use and engage with on their own.

Are you doubting whether this is for YOUR kids? When we hit the streets and spoke to moms they loved the idea – one said “I think it’s a great idea…because toys are always better than candy; they last longer.”

[Related: How To Not Eat Your Kids Halloween Candy]

More on The Shine: Check out a recent episode about how moms can take some stress out of cleaning.