Hurricane Sandy: Games to Play in the Dark

By: Caitlin Ultimo
If Hurricane Sandy is making her way through your town, hopefully you're well stocked with bottled water, canned foods, and candles. But, are you equipped with ways to keep bored or scared kids busy if the power goes out? While you still have electricity, read up on some fun games to play with your kids--no lights required!

Talking to Kids About Hurricane Sandy

Flashlight Limbo

Two people, holding flashlights, face each other and make a steady beam of light for others to limbo under. Print out words to the Limbo Rock to make your own music; as kids are eliminated they can tap on the floor to the beat.

Halloween Safety Tips

Shadow Puppets

Find a bare wall and use a flashlight's beam to set the stage. Make characters out of your hands' shadows and let the show be as long or as silly as you like.

Hide and Seek in the Dark

Hide a stuffed animal and set the kids out on a search for their toy with flashlights. Be sure to clear the floor beforehand to avoid any accidental spills.

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Museum After Dark

Make one kid the "museum guide" and give them a flashlight. Everyone else should spread out and strike a pose, as if they're pieces of art. The museum guide looks over each museum piece with the flashlight and describes the piece of "art" in funny ways, but without touching it. If the museum guide can make the "art" laugh or move, the "art" becomes the new museum guide.

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The Hum Factor

Take turns humming melodies, make a spotlight on the featured hummer and have the crowd guess the tune.

Indoor Campout

Create a tent out of sheets and start a story chain or sing songs around a "campfire", either a candle set on a coffee table or a fire place if you have one.