Is Your Teen In An Abusive Relationship?

Females ages 16-24 are more vulnerable to intimate partner violence than any other age group, according to the Bureau of Justice. In addition, about one in three high school students have been or will be involved in an abusive relationship. Parents need to be aware of this growing epidemic and teach their children about abusive, controlling relationships; how to recognize one and how to get out of one.

Abusive relationships between teens look very similar to adult abusive relationships. The intent is the same-- to use intimidation, threats, manipulation and other forms of abuse in order to cause fear and gain power and control over one's partner.

Only 33% of teens who were in an abusive relationship ever told anyone about the abuse and most teens (83%) report they would rather tell a peer than an adult. Therefore, parents need to keep the lines of communication open at all costs. They also need to be watching, listening, and paying attention to the relationship between the teens. First, if parents suspect that their teen is involved in a controlling/abusive relationship, they need to tell them they are concerned for them. Second, parents should let their teen know they will support and help them get out of the situation.

Parents should not be overly authoritative and begin threatening and trying to control them. This will push them deeper into the abusive relationship and put them at increased risk. Next, if their parents listen to them without judging them, teens will be more receptive to parents' suggestions and offers of help. Parents can tell them about community resources such as hotlines and injunctions for protection. Also, they can make sure teens have a charged cell hone and money with them at all times and create a safe system of communication. Most importantly, parents should tell their teens that it isn't their fault and they will be there for them.


Linda Peterman is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in private practice in Tampa, Florida specializing in couples counseling, relationships, communication, domestic violence and other issues pertinent to mental health and happiness.

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