Justin and Selena Are Having a Sleepover, Can I?

By Barbara Greenberg, Phd and Jennifer Powell-Lunder, PsyD for GalTime.com

Justin Bieber, the 17-year-old heartthrob of many of our teen daughters, has according to the tabloids gone on a steamy vacation with his 18-year-old girlfriend Selena Gomez.

And when I say steamy I am not just referring to the tropical climate. I am instead assuming that sleep-overs are heating up the tour package.

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Since our teens look up to their celebrity role models, it should not come as a surprise if they ask if they can have a sleep-over with a peer of the opposite sex. After all, Justin is doing it. So what's a parent to do?

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Well, I have some suggestions.

1. Simply because they look up to a celebrity does not mean that they need to mimic their behavior in all arenas of life.
2. Remind your teens that what Justin does in his private time is between him and his family and that each family makes individual decisions.
3. You may want to point out that there have been many instances of celebrities making poor choices despite having considerable talent.
4. Perhaps, you may want to tell them that Justin's private behavior is not necessarily portrayed accurately for his fans.
5. You may want to tell them that there are other ways to make their teen hearts throb.

You may think that what Justin may be doing is also right for your teen. In this instance, you will likely have a much easier time when and if this information is brought to your attention!

Where do you stand on co-ed sleepovers?

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