Kid fun: 365 days of LEGO (and parents will dig it too)

I have a love-hate relationship with LEGO blocks. I love it when my kids play with them endlessly, creating imaginary worlds and scenes. I hate it when I step on a tiny block with my bare feet.

But the feelings of love, they are stronger after spending some time looking at the blog, a LEGO a day...for one year. A gent named Dan started the site and he's snapping a photo of a LEGO guy every day for an entire year.

The photos are wonderfully shot and paired with witty captions. If your kids are LEGO fans and you want to inspire them, show them the photo a day (the captions might go over their heads). And if you are in need of a light moment in a cranky day, add a LEGO a day to your list of reads. It's a guaranteed smile and chuckle.

[via bits and pieces]