Kids Will Get Presents Whether They're Naughty or Nice

By: Kate at
Although the threat of Santa knowing if you've been bad or good might come in handy to keep kids in line during the holiday season, it turns out to be an empty one. A new study finds that Santa (read: Mom and Dad) will give children presents whether they've been naughty or nice.

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Walmart conducted a national survey of parents and kids, asking various questions about holiday gift giving and getting. Eighty percent of parents said their kids will get the same number of gifts, regardless of their behavior. But Santa's hold still works over kids: 62 percent surveyed said they believed they'd get more presents if they were nice over naughty.

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Mom Amber Plante told USA Today that she'd rather her two sons have fond memories of Christmas morning, rather than using it to teach a lesson: "I'd rather my boys have fuzzy memories of happy times ripping open their presents, not of being harshly taught a lesson that, frankly, could be taught any other day of the year."

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Does your kids' behavior influence how many presents they get? Do you tell your kids that Santa's watching?