Lies we tell our kids

What is it about having kids that makes parents turn into experts in taking creative license with lies? Brilliant lies that have our unsuspecting kidlings mesmerized upon hearing these words fall from our lips...

"If you are very very quiet you can hear the clouds rub against the sky."

"Trees talk to each other at night."

"We are all held together by invisible threads.

All lies Heading East blogger and dad Raul Guiterrez said to his 3-year-old son. My personal favorite is "Sadness can be eaten." I'll probably use it within the next 24 hours with one of my sons.

I've also told a few lies of my own. Though not nearly as poetic as those of Raul G., they serve their purposes:

"The mayor doesn't let monsters live in our town." (The bedtime lie.)

"Milk is really sugar for your bones." (The please-drink-your-milk lie.)

"I always listen to you. You just weren't speaking loud enough." (The child-white-noise lie.)

"Do I need to call God?" (The Catholic Guilt lie.)

What lies have you told your kids?