The Little Things They Do Should Make You a Proud Parent!

In the overabundance of photos, videos, and blogs about various people's children and the cute stuff they do, one can easily feel like the extraordinary actions of their own children are lacking. We must however, not allow our children to feel that way about themselves. Even the little things they do, which may not necessarily be social media worthy, are worthy enough to receive recognition and praise. As well, if the action or event creates a warm snuggly in your heart, than it should make you proud, because it means you are doing right by your children.
Case in point, this week I have been a somewhat irresponsible adult and going to bed at a very late hour. While this does not affect me if I only do it once in a while, multiple nights in a row of retiring in the wee hours of morning eventually puts me in a comatose stupor where I turn the alarm off, fall back to sleep, and don't remember ever hearing the alarm.
I have my alarm set for 7:00 am and am supposed to leave the house by 8:00 AM. My 14 year old daughter knows this from our daily routine during the school year where I wake up first and then proceed to awaken my 3 children. Lucky for me she has summer school this year and has been waking herself up early in order to be ready on-time. The last two mornings she woke up before me. By 7:30 AM when she realized that I had yet to extricate myself from my own bed, she knocked on the master bedroom door.
This morning, as I stumbled out into the hallway, she informed me she had been knocking for the last 5 minutes. I hugged her, thanked her for waking me up, and then shuffled into the bathroom to get ready for work.
Upon my exiting the bathroom, I find a fresh cup of coffee waiting for me on the kitchen counter, already poured into my travel mug, and awaiting my final touches of sugar and creamer. That small event, no matter how mundane it may appear, touched my heart and I was as proud as a parent could be. This small gesture was an awesome display of initiative, love, and thoughtfulness. It says that her parents must be doing something right!