My Sexy Wardrobe Doesn't Make Me a Bad Mom

by Sara Wedman for ParentsConnect


From observation at the grocery store and various other outings, I have noticed what I like to call the "Mom Uniform." This uniform includes white tennis shoes, sweatpants, yoga pants or jeans that verge dangerously close to the "mom jean" skit on SNL, a T-shirt of some sort and a baggy jacket. Here's my idea of day-to-day fashion: red heels, dark rinse jeans, a colorful top and my treasured leopard-print trench coat.

Now, I have no problem with what other women choose to wear, nor do I judge them for it. However, I am writing to defend myself. I often get judgmental glances and snickers and occasionally someone will actually open their mouth to express their disdain with what I am wearing, "You can't possibly wear those shoes with your daughter!"

So here it goes, this is why I dress the way I do and refuse to give in and dress the way 95% of the moms in my area do. As a woman, I feel that it is very important to not allow motherhood to consume 100% of my identity. Don't get me wrong here, I love being a mom and getting the opportunity to be a stay at home mom to my daughter. I have never felt more fulfilled and confident as I do now as a mother. With that said, being a mom is not all that I am. I am a wife, daughter, friend and Christian. I love to bake, read and am a total theology nerd. I have a very strong personality and love life. I have dreams and hopes in life separate from my daughter. Currently, I am working on a plan to go back to school to get my master's. I want to raise my daughter to be strong, independent, think for herself and to be who she wants to be, not what I imagine her to be. I don't think it is possible to raise a daughter like that if I only identify myself as a mom and never work on having my own dreams, hopes and thoughts.

You may be wondering how all this ties into what I wear, but to me these ideas run close together. My clothes reflect my personality and who I am. It is not because I am vain and obsessed with beauty or my appearance that I dress the way I do. In fact, I spend very little time getting ready for the day. It doesn't take me any longer to put on my clothes than the next person. I believe what I wear reflects to the world who I am. I am a bright and colorful person and my clothes reflect this well.

So, next time you see a mom in heels, stop before you judge; maybe there is more there than meets the eye. Maybe she is just trying to hold on to a piece of herself so she has something to give to her child.

Are you a sexy dressing mom? Do you wear the "mom uniform?" Let us know below!

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