New mom secrets: I let my young child watch my baby

It's hard being a new mom (or even an experienced mom to a new baby) and sometimes we do things we know we shouldn't, despite what all the experts say. But this is a safe place to share your secrets-we'll never tell.

This Week's Secret:

My DS is one and my DD is five. I let her watch him while I shower. But it is in an enclosed, gated living room. - anonymous

Question: Have you ever let your young child watch the baby, even if it was just for a short amount of time.

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We all have secrets and opinions-so thanks to this brave mom for sharing her honest thoughts, and thank you for keeping this conversation nonjudgmental!

Posted by Brittny Drye for Baby Buzz in CafeMom Baby

Past confessions:

I Hate When People Hold My Baby

I Don't Sterilize My Baby's Bottles

I Go to the Bathroom to Get "Me" Time

I Wash the Pacifier Off in My Mouth

I Turn Up The Volume When My Baby Cries

I Hate Breastfeeding

I Put Cereal in My Baby's Bottle

I Thought My Baby Was Ugly

I'm Breastfeeding But I Crave Beer

I Sometimes Use Breastmilk for Cooking

My Baby Annoys Me

I Took My Baby to a Bar

I Drove My Baby Without a Car Seat

I Forgot My Baby's Name!

I Leave My Twin Babies Home Alone

I Let My Baby Wear a Dirty Diaper

I Wish I Never Had a Baby