Parents! Show Us the Valentines Your Kids Gave to You

Did your child give you a Valentine?
Did your child give you a Valentine?

We stood in the grocery store last night, my son and I and 400 other people crammed into the Valentine aisle. Balloons on helium feet floated between us and he was distracted by all the chocolate roses stuck in between sections of cards. He didn't have a Valentine for me yet and with my parents out of town, there was no one to take him to the store or encourage him to glue and glitter up a storm for the holiday.

So he asked me to help him. I covered my eyes as I passed one after another of the "Sons for Mothers" cards, strangely situated on the top tier far from his reach.

"Don't look! Are you looking? Promise not to look!" He was nervous the surprise would be ruined while he carefully read each sentiment and then when we checked out at cashier and then while he wrote his message carefully this morning.

I saw only that it was completely pink and that there were bunnies on it. But it didn't matter at all what the words or pictures were. When I opened it, only moments after he'd sealed it shut, stick figure drawings of he and I walked hand-in-hand passed a pair of picnicking bunnies. A carefully drawn heart hovered over us and another made a comma in between "LOVE" and his name. I was completely full.

Sometimes he writes me messages. Sometimes he says things that are surprisingly sage. Sometimes he lingers on my lap or asks me to cuddle him a few moments more, and everything important and wonderful and hopeful is wrapped up in those words. Today, though, that Valentine didn't need anything more than what was right there -- a mama and boy walking quietly through the day, knowing what's right there between them.

It's a lot of "I get you" kind of love and probably a few chocolate roses.

Now it's your turn! How did your kids celebrate you today -- with an iCarly cut-out card? A kiss? A giant crayoned drawing?

Share the funny, sweet, and kid-crazy Valentine notes, cards, and little gifts your children gave you.

Read more:
4 signs your child loves you back
How to recycle those cards your kid brings home from school
3 simple Valentine's crafts

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