Starting New Family Holiday Traditions (That Actually Last!)

Start a new family tradition!
Start a new family tradition!

This time of year is so much fun, especially with a new baby around.

Whether you have a laundry list of family traditions or are in need of some fun, festive things to do, it's always fun to create a new family tradition to enjoy with your loved ones. The first year my husband and I celebrated Christmas with a baby, we started the tradition of eating Christmas Eve dinner by candlelight. It's a simple thing to do, but something that we look forward to each year. Here are 6 tips for starting a new family tradition…

1. Think about what means the most to you during the holiday season. Whatever means the most to you should be celebrated! If it's important to take time to slow down, then choose a tradition that will allow you to do that. If giving is something you are passionate about, find a way to incorporate that into your new tradition.

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2. Ask yourself, "What do I want my family to remember about our Christmases?" When you are a child, Christmastime is magical. Think about the kind of Christmas you want your little ones to have. How can a tradition make this season amazing for your family?

3. Choose something that is both simple, yet important. The thing I love about our candlelit Christmas Eve dinner is that it's so simple. It doesn't take a lot of planning and effort to turn off the lights and light a few candles. But, it matters. It's a special thing we do each year and it's magical to share a meal so intimate!

4. Make sure it's something that can be done each year. The thing about tradition is the repetition involved. The "doing it every year" is the part that counts. So make sure to choose something that can be done each year.

5. Think of ways to involve each family member. If your tradition is going to be meaningful to everyone, make sure everyone is involved in some way. Perhaps you can divvy out jobs to your spouse or older children. Make it special for everyone!

6. Don't stress yourself out over it. Traditions are meant to be meaningful, not exhausting. Don't let yourself become overwhelmed by planning and preparing. Instead, enjoy the moment!

- By Lacy Stroessner

For 50 baby names to look for in 2014, visit Disney Baby!