Stuff Moms Say

Tell the truth: how many of these videos have you watched? Me? At least 15. Some are funny, some not so much. But why hasn't anyone done a really good one of moms? I mean, as a mom I can admit we say some pretty cooky things.

So because I think people should stick to what they do best, I won't attempt to act. Instead, I've compiled some funny things moms say for your reading pleasure.

1. "Can you watch him for a minute?" Never would you think to ask a complete stranger to watch your purse or your unlocked car with the keys in the ignition, so why moms think it's perfectly normal to ask someone they've known for all of 5 minutes at the playground to watch their kid is completely baffling.

2. "OMG, I haven't had a full night's sleep in months." It's no secret that moms are basically walking zombies, especially new moms. And it just wouldn't be fair if we didn't remind all you well-rested folks out there just how little sleep.

3. "Is this BPA-free?" Before children, we were perfectly content downing water from a BPA-laden water bottle. After kids? BPA is clearly the devil.

4. "Is this organic?" Because once you've made the decision to feed your child organic only, a single McDonald's french fry will cause him/her to spontaneously combust.

5. "Stop. Stop. Stop." Stop touching that. Stop picking your nose. Stop hitting your sister. Stop playing with your food. Just. Stop.

6. "Is it okay if I bring my kids?" Moms can be considerate, too. We always like to check beforehand if our kids can come along to the party. If not? Don't expect us to show up. Sitters are expensive.

7. "Let's have a playdate!" Because sitting awkwardly on your couch with a glass of wine while our babies crawl around and stare at each other is all kinds of fun.

Now be honest--how many of these do you say?