Texting While Driving is Bad...But What About Texting & Strolling?

Texting while driving is dangerous, but that doesn't stop folks from doing it. I tell you, there's not a day that I'm on the road and don't see a driver looking down and texting while stopped at a light or, worse, driving on the freeway. Yikes! Can't it wait, people?

And then I saw this little iPhone Cradle for Strollers that "allows you to stay in touch while on the go." Pretty clever idea if you're traveling light or don't have any pockets, or if you're using it to play some music while you stroll. But I can already imagine the text/email addicts texting with one hand and pushing the stroller in the other. Not such a good idea in my book.

What do you think? Good idea or bad? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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