The tick, the meltdown, and the list of things I will now always take with me on family vacations

So much of this parenting business is humbling. Just when you think you've got the essentials down-a good sleep schedule, a balanced diet, at least one clean spare outfit-something comes along to make you understand that in fact, you've got nothing.

This morning, that something was a tick. It was also-almost-my personal undoing.

To explain: We're spending the week on a Fire Island, a barrier island on the New York coast best known for the absence of cars, rats, shootouts, and celebrities that plague our city existence. Having grown up in New Mexico, I'm used to the quiet, thrilled by the deer that come up to the house, and delighted to see my son wandering around a yard in wondrous circles, pretending to cook pine cones. Not so delightful? The apricot sized spiders that occasionally dive bomb us from the roof, the raccoon that I swear flipped me off the other night as I was locking up a garbage can, and the ticks.

Who knew that something so small could be so terrifying? It's not just the risk of Lyme disease that gets to me (though of course, that's the worst part)-it's that the damn things are so small, and look like any other bit of dirt/ chocolate/ God-knows -what a toddler can run into. It's that this morning, when I was pushing the hair behind LBZ's ear, I found one sitting there like a tiny warlord staking out new territory.

What happened between that time and now is something I will not replay in great detail, but suffice to say there was great panic, some hasty web-surfing, and some pinning down of a toddler that I hope won't result in PTSD. The local ambulance came-not because we asked for an ambulance, but because apparently that's just how they roll here in Fire Island when you call panicked about a tick.

The whole incident made me realize that while I had been extremely thoughtful about certain parts of our trip (food, clothes, activities, etc.), other than a few band-aids, I hadn't thought through one tiny bit of what we needed to do in a medical emergency. In honor of my numbskull morning, I bring you a short list of things I wish I'd had before the tick was in and all common sense had run out the door.

1) Your vacation address. This is less pressing if you are in a Marriott by Disneyland, but if you are heading to a remote location, know where you are at, and how to tell people to get to you

2) The nearest health facilities. You can also get this from calling 911, but if you're like me and you'd prefer not to call 911 for an insect smaller than your pinkie nail, do your homework and know where you should go if something goes wrong.

3) Your family's health information. I'm not talking about a huge medical file with every last ailment listed, I'm talking about a simple sheet of last shots and check ups.

4) A basic first aid kid. Band-aids and Neosporin can only do so much. Even though I might not be able to get a CPR mouthpiece before our next trip, everything else on this from will be easy enough to find:

· first-aid manual

· sterile gauze

· adhesive tape

· adhesive bandages in several sizes

· elastic bandage

· antiseptic wipes

· soap

· antibiotic cream (triple-antibiotic ointment)

· antiseptic solution (like hydrogen peroxide)

· hydrocortisone cream (1%)

· acetaminophen and ibuprofen

· extra prescription medications (if the family is going on vacation)

· tweezers

· sharp scissors

· safety pins

· disposable instant cold packs

· calamine lotion

· alcohol wipes or ethyl alcohol

· thermometer

· plastic gloves (at least 2 pairs)

· flashlight and extra batteries

· mouthpiece for administering CPR (can be obtained from your local Red Cross)

· your list of emergency phone numbers

· blanket (stored nearby)

Did I miss anything? Add your own health/ safety tips for vacationing below.