The Ultimate Potty Training Readiness Quiz

We are all about helping our favorite people-parents, of course!

The secret to potty training success is making sure you and your kid are really ready, because starting too soon can mean weeks or months of frustration and tears-both yours and your kid's! Take our quiz to see if you and your tot are ready for the pot. If you answer "yes" to most of these questions, it may be time to give potty training a go!

Potty Training Age

Is your kid at least 18 months old (preferably between 24 and 30 months old)?

She Wants to Know More

Does your kid seem curious about the potty?

Planning to travel with little ones? Check our top things to pack!

Is He Interested in Doing the Same?

Does your kid watch you with interest when you go?

Potty-time Signals

Does your kid indicate in some way (signals, words, gestures) that she needs to go?

Is He Unafraid of the Potty?

Is your kid completely unafraid of the potty and of the bathroom?

Is She Uncomfortable or Comfortable?

Does your kid seem to be bothered by dirty/wet diapers?

Bathroom Regularity

Does your kid have fairly regular bowel movements?

Wet Diaper Regularity

Does your kid have fairly regular wet diapers?

Does She Listen Well?

Does your kid respond to simple commands (e.g., "Come here and sit on the potty")?

Does He Love Rewards?

Does your kid respond positively to praise and/or rewards?

Ready to start potty training? Get Teri Crane's potty training tips to get you started!

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