The Ultimate Push Present: Diamonds or Fat Camp?

This post was written by Ryan Johnson. Image Credit: Anthony-Masterson/Botanica/Getty Images

When I was pregnant, I jokingly asked my husband what his thoughts were regarding my push present. He gave me a blank stare and then said, "What would you like it to be?" Hmmm, interesting question.

I didn't really expect a push present, and after my hubby came clean and admitted he had no idea what I was talking about, we had a good laugh. He was giving me exactly what I wanted: a baby and a totally renovated and redone master bathroom. (Note: Redoing a master bathroom (or any big project) while you're pregnant and/or a new mother is a bad, bad idea. Trust me!)

Don't get me wrong: I fully support the idea of a push present. If it's the right push present. I'm not even considering diamonds or sapphires, here. How about a nice charm bracelet to signify the beginning of a new life as parents? Or a massage when she's feeling up to it? But if you insist on spending big bucks on a present for the new mommy in your life, you can send her to fat camp, instead!

According to a post on, Premier Fitness Camp is advertising a new package called the Body Back. And for the low, low price of $4,550, you can travel to Park City, Utah, to sweat, starve, and squeeze that pesky baby weight away. I know that post-birth, that's exactly where my priorities laid (yeah, right). Who needs to think about bonding with your baby, much less feeding, caring for, and loving your little one?

But beyond all that, let's just think about the price for a minute. For that much money, you could renovate your own bathroom, outfit your nursery with new furniture and toys, buy a used car, or pay for daycare for months. For arguments sake, we'll pretend that I have an infinite supply of money and can do all of those things, plus anything else I want to do. In that case, I'll take my $4,550 and spend my time at the Four Seasons in Maui, thankyouverymuch!

What would you do if your partner presented you with a ticket to fat camp right after you delivered a child? Would he survive?

More on Losing the Baby Weight
6 Stress-Busting Yoga Poses For New Moms : Parentables
I Got Back into My Pre-Baby Clothes! (Six Years Later)
Screw You New Moms in Bikinis : Parentables