Toddler Art Projects, from Clean to Messy to Messiest

I have to admit that the quality and complexity of our household art project ambitions really took a nose-dive once there was a baby brother in the picture. My poor daughter. She loves nothing more than to sit down to the art table, supplies spread before her. But it's hard to craft a play-dough baby while holding an actual baby (though not, as I've learned, impossible). Still and yet, there are rainy days, and beautiful days when Mama cannot emotionally handle the stress of the playground, and thus: art projects. A clean one, for the very lightly-functional days, a messy one, for when baby's studiously drooling on the exersaucer, and a REALLY messy one, for when baby's solidly napping and daddy's home--just in case.
By Amy Shearn, author of The Mermaid of Brooklyn and How Far is The Ocean from Here. This post originally appeared on her blog Household Words.

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