Top Things To Bring When Traveling With Toddlers & Preschoolers


Remember the days when you could pack for an overnight trip in five minutes flat, with your biggest concern being to remember your lip gloss and deodorant? Now that you're a mom, packing has taken on a whole different life form! Diapers, toys, outfits, more outfits, snacks, books, more toys, more outfits ... ACK! How can something so cute and so little require SO MUCH STUFF?

Traveling for the holidays (or any time of the year)? Let this list of overnight essentials for toddlers and preschoolers be your guide. (Oh, and don't forget to pack some lip gloss and deodorant, mom! Still essential, for you, and, um, everyone around you!!)

Diapers or Disposable Training Pants
A good rule of thumb for toddlers and preschoolers is five diapers or pull-ups for each night away from home. This way you'll be covered in case of any stomach troubles caused by eating food your kid is not used to, but you don't have to haul the entire big box from Costco.

Travel Size Baby Wipes
As every mom knows, these handy inventions aren't just great for cleaning bottoms-they're also great for dabbing at clothes that get stained and wiping up messes in hotel and guest rooms. Evaluate your level of wipes addiction and pack accordingly.

Portable Potty
If you're already potty training your toddler with success, you don't want your kid to regress in his skills just because of one overnight visit. We like a portable training potty for trips (and later, stashing in the car for emergency pit stops).

Disposable or Washable Bibs
Instead of having to pack 100 outfits, scale it back to just 99 (Kidding!) by packing a washable plastic bib or two. If you're lucky, you might get a second wearing out of that toddler top (but don't count on it).


Sippy Cups and Bottles

Your old high school friend's house or the hotel you booked may not have bottles, sippy cups or straw cups in stock (or at least not the ones your kid will actually drink out of), so be sure to bring a couple of your own. And be sure to bring an extra, in case you lose one along the way.

Paperback Story Books
Board books and hardcovers take up a lot of overnight bag real estate, so we recommend packing as many flimsy paperback storybooks as you can cram into your bag. They'll serve you well for entertainment during the day and winding down your kid with stories at bedtime.

Portable DVD Player & Children's DVDs
Whether you're traveling to your destination or at the destination itself, 25 minutes of Blue's Clues might just be essential to your toddler's routine (and your sanity!). So, by all means pack a few favorite DVDs along with a portable DVD player, laptop, or video iPod loaded with a few episodes.

Travel Size Toys & Activity Books
Scour your toy bin for some compact toys your kid loves, like action figures, stacking toys, Magna Doodles, and mini-crayons and coloring books to keep her occupied. Also, bring along a small stuffed snuggle-buddy for your kid to play with if he doesn't have a lovey.

Mini First-Aid Kit
A boo-boo can strike anytime, anywhere. Slip a small travel first-aid kit in your duffle and you'll be prepared to launch into Dr. Mom mode when necessary.

Stocked Cooler
If you thought your kid was a picky eater at home, try him when you're staying overnight someplace else! To help him get the nutrition he needs (and not turn into a starving grump), skip trying to get him to eat too adventurously and pack a small cooler with his go-to meal items, baby foods, formula and snacks.

Travel sized Bath Supplies
Sure the hotel has shampoo, soap and towels, but if your little one has eczema or sensitive skin, you'll want to bring your own for bathtime. The last thing you need is an irritable, rashy kid in the middle of your mini-vacation.


Security Blanket, Pacifier or Other Comfort Items
Sleeping in a new bed is hard on everyone- especially toddlers and preschoolers, who crave structure and routine in their little lives. So when you're sleeping away from home, you should still make your child's experience as homelike as possible. So don't forget your kid's security blanket, favorite stuffed animal or other lovey, as well as a night light. And we know we don't have to tell you to not pick a traveling weekend to pressure him to give up the binky, right?

Portable Bed Rail
Afraid your crib sleeper or new-to-a-bed big kid is going to roll out of bed? You'll get a better night's sleep yourself if you spring for a travel blowup bed rail or bolster for your trip.

Babyproofing Supplies
We're not saying that you have to outfit your room at the Holiday Inn or Aunt Lucy's house with all of the babyproofing gadgets you've got at home. But some easy MacGruber-like supplies will do in a pinch. Masking tape can cover electrical outlets and keep the toilet securely closed, and rubber bands make great cupboard door holders and cord keepers.

Traveling this holiday season? What are your tricks for keeping your kids happy? Let us know below!

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