Twins Born in 2013 and 2014

(Newser) - While you people were warbling "Auld Lang Syne" and swilling bubbly, two East Coast women were busily birthing babies that were among the last of 2013-and the first of 2014, reports ABC.

In Washington, DC, Yaleni Santos Tohalino gave birth to daughter Lorraine Yaleni at 11:58pm; son Brandon Ferdinando clocked in at 12:01am.

Meanwhile, up in Toronto, Lindsay Salgueiro was not to be outdone: She gave birth to daughter Gabriela at 11:52pm, and just barely snuck Sophia over the wire at 12:00:38am. "They kind of got that golden ticket. They've got different birthdays," says Salgueiro. "They're going to be best friends for life."

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