User post: But, I don't feel pregnant!

The past few weeks, I haven't really been feeling myself... I haven't wanted to eat. The thought of food just isn't all that appealing to me, even though I'm practically starving. But in all honesty, this is how I feel every other time I have sinus and allergy problems... which I have constantly. And besides, it's been crazy hot lately, and I don't like to eat all that much when it's hot outside either... and the tiredness... forget that, I'm always tired. Especially, when I'm all doped up on Sudafed (the behind the counter stuff cause it's all that works for me) and whatever allergy medicine that's working at keeping my sneezing at bay. And not having my periods... pshaw! I hardly had them before I was on birth control so it didn't really dawn on me. So while not feeling all that different just a little sick, I've been having a few people close to me (my husband, my mom and the one lady co-worker I talk to constantly) nag me at taking a pregnancy test. So I did... and much to my surprise and amazement... it said "pregnant". Still not really believing it, because I simply do not feel any differently then any other time I feel sick, I make an appointment to the OB/GYN in my clinic... only instead of the Doctor we (my husband and I) see his nurse... to get our health histories... Well we decided to get a sonogram and lo and behold I am 9 weeks and 3 days pregnant (this is on August 10th).

How did I get this far with out hurling my guts out? Am I one of the truly lucky ones and won't have the dreaded morning sickness? Or really any of the other indicators of pregnancy... Even though I know I'm pregnant, I still don't feel it... but I'm sure milking it for all it's worth... ;-) After all, it is our first.