Watching Event TV With My Sons

I love to watch big events on television. I count the hours until an award show or a season or series finale comes on. Since my husband doesn't share my enthusiasm, I was so happy that my sons inherited this excitement, and watching these events together became a family tradition.

When they were young, I couldn't wait until they became old enough to watch these events. The first time my son was able to watch the Oscars with me was the year that Beauty and Beast was nominated, which made it that much more fun.

When they became young teens, we watched American Idol and Survivor. Every week was event viewing, but we treated the finales like parties. Watching the series finales of our favorite shows as they went off the air became some of our favorite times. We'd watch, laugh, cry and critique.

Now my sons are out of the house, and we rarely get to watch television together. We have to wait until the next day to even discuss television events due to different time zones and/or time shifting. However, I'm not alone. I now watch event TV with my Twitter family.