Why I Hate Doing Laundry: Let Me Count The Ways

I hate laundry. I hate every aspect of doing laundry. Why does the act of cleaning clothes have to be so complicated?

1. - Never enough detergent - No matter how many huge bottles of detergent I buy, it seems the bottle is always empty. I even resort to pouring water into the partially empty bottle and using that part water-part detergent mixture for at least one or two loads of laundry. Also, who wants to buy those huge bottles and lug them around the grocery store??? I hate that.

2. - Sneaky stains - I always miss that one terribly stained shirt. It manages to avoid the Shout spray and makes its way into the dryer where the stain is there forever. I've tried every type of stain remover and nothing really impresses me. BTW, have you noticed the weird settings on the Shout bottle? I get the 'spray' concept, but who needs a 'stream'? Come on, really? A stream? Please. I hate that.

3. - Jeans - Oh, the horror of washing and drying jeans. I have a few dark ones that continually bleed in the washer. I have no idea how they aren't totally absent of color now, but they turn light-colored clothes an odd shade of blueish. I never remember until I've accidentally tossed them into the wash. Then they get dried to a crisp in the dryer and it takes me two days to stretch them out enough so they're comfortable. And then they are dirty and the whole vicious cycle starts again. I hate that.

Want to read the rest of my raesons for hating laundry? Click here to read the rest of the post on MommyQ's blog! Feel free to share your laundry headaches with Shine readers!!! :-)