Without the Kids: Get a (karaoke) room

My husband likes to make fun of my singing. It used to bother me until I attended something called Ladies Rock Camp. Playing lead guitar and singing backup as part of a band was quite empowering. But it was the karaoke party that truly raised the roof.

Which leads me to this week's Without the Kids tip for parental date night: Go to a karaoke bar.

You heard me right.

Sing. Dance. Act a fool. All in front of people who don't know you and who could care less if your vocal skills are worth a Grammy (or not). Date nights for parents don't always have to be filled eye-gazing and "Let's get back in touch with each other." Sometimes you just have to let yourself go and get a little, well, silly. And loud. Besides, there's no reason you can't throw in a romantic love song duet into your set list. Aaron Neville and Linda Rondstadt anyone?

One of the reasons I dig the idea of a date night at the karaoke bar is that you can go with a group of other couples. Friends who are also parents and enjoy a good night of ridiculous fun while catching up on life. If you hit a real karaoke club you can even rent a private room. What's not to love?

If you're wondering what "my song" is ('cuz you can't karaoke without having your own song), I rock "Hollaback Girl" like nobody's business. But I have been known to sing just a few numbers on Anne's One Hit Wonders of the 80s list. It's kind of hard to resist Survivor's "Eye of the Tiger."