Would Becoming a Mom Make You Change Any Unhealthy Habits?

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Someone I know was telling me that since becoming a mom 2 years ago, she's basically given up booze (prior to mommyhood, she says she drank too much). It makes sense that we become more responsible as parents (at least we should, right?). One star made headlines recently about giving up marijuana after kids. How will motherhood change your habits?

Brad Pitt admitted that he had a little pot habit before he became a dad. Now? He won't touch the stuff, for his kids' sake. "I'm a dad now. You want to be alert and my eyes used to glaze over when I did that," he told HBO's Bill Maher.

Whether drinking, smoking, staying out to late or something else--what do you think you'll give up or change about your lifestyle when you become a mom?

P.S. Is it just me, or is every woman in America pregnant right now? Do you think that teens should be paid to not get sperminated? And, check out the weird forecast your bikini line could make about your fertility...