7 Pets My Family Will Never Own

10 pets my family will never own...
10 pets my family will never own...

We are a dog family.

My husband and I both grew up with them and we are both allergic to cats. The decision of what kind of pet we would have was easily reached.

My son Anders loves our border collie, but occasionally, after spending an afternoon pouring over an animal book or conversing with a friend at school whose family pet is less traditional, he questions why we don't own something more exotic.

While at some point I may be convinced to take on a goldfish or two, I'm pretty resolute in my list of animals we will never own.

Here are 10 creatures we won't be welcoming home:


1. Ants
Any creature that requires its own farm is a no in my book. Sorry, kids.

Related: 10 great holiday gifts for pet owners

Baby Chick
Baby Chick

2. Exotic Bird
I already have two creatures I am inadvertently teaching curse words. Having a bird squawk back my foul language too? No thank you.

Baby Chick
Baby Chick

3. Baby Chick
Sure they look cute, but they grow into chickens hell bent on pecking your eyes out while you sleep. At least, that's what I tell my kid when he begs for one each Easter. Don't judge.


4. Iguana
My son's reason for wanting an iguana and my reason for declaring we will never own one is the same. They can detach their tails. Forcing my kid to part with his collection of saved iguana tales? Not on my life list.

Related: 25 adorable photos of pets dressed up for Christmas


5. Monkey
We have a strict "no pets that require diaper changing" policy in our home.


6. Pig
I like my pot-bellies where they belong -- on babies and my husband.


7. Rat
Does this one even need explanation?

For more pets my family will never own, visit Babble!


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