I'm Supposed to Feed Him What? the BARF Diet Explained

Joy Randel
Joy Randel

Barf. It isn't generally the sort of term one associates with tasty or nutritious cuisine -- for either canine or human. But this isn't barf, this is BARF, and it may be the answer to many pet owners' concerns about the health and longevity of their dogs. BARF stands for Biologically Appropriate Raw Food and advocates of this diet claim it can address a wide range of common canine afflictions, from dry skin and allergies to stomach sensitivities and tooth decay.

In lieu of processed and chemical-laden "dog food," pet owners adhering to the BARF diet feed their dogs whole foods of the same quality that is deemed safe for human consumption. Fruits, veggies, ground bones, raw meat, and offal (entrails and internal organs) constitute the foundation of the BARF diet.

And if your stomach is churning over the notion of figuring out how to get entrails into your dog's dish without significantly altering the cleanliness of your kitchen, have no fear! Pre-assembled meals following BARF guidelines are available at: www.barfworld.com.

Proponents of the BARF diet point to the fact that this manner of eating closely follows the way dogs and cats were fed until the advent of processed dog food around the 1930s. So pet owners who are concerned that perhaps this sort of diet is merely a fad or a passing trend should keep in mind that the BARF diet more closely resembles the way dogs ate in the generations before we began marketing kibble and canned pet food.

Of course, there are pros and cons to all philosophies -- including those involving pet care. If you are interested in possibly transitioning your dog to the BARF diet, consider speaking to your veterinarian about the possible benefits of this all-natural "dog food."

This article was written by Joy Randel. Get more great advice from Women's Toolbox contributor Joy Randel at: dazzledogdelight.com