Pets on Prozac

I've never dealt with an anxiety-ridden pet, but I know plenty of people who have. I've heard stories of "indestructible" crates being reduced to rubble, accounts of entire rooms being single-handedly (paw-dedly?) destroyed, and heard tales of rooms that had to be completely remodeled - all because the family pet had had an "episode" and turned it into his personal restroom.

Dealing with this behavior takes an unfathomable amount of patience. It takes immeasurable amounts work. And it takes a whole lot of… Prozac?

That's right. The USDA has approved a version of Prozac for dogs - called Reconcile. And I'll be the first to admit that I had a bit of a knee-jerk reaction when I heard this. Dogs? On antidepressants?

You have got to be kidding me.

Then again, I've never had a dog with severe separation anxiety. But I do have a friend that has. And I've watched her dog turn from a panic-stricken mess into a happy-go-lucky house pet - all due to this particular drug. So there's a part of me that simply can't dismiss it as a logical solution.

Now, I know a lot of people will disagree with me here. And more than a few are probably muttering something along the lines of "why not just take the dog for more walks?" That's certainly fair logic. But this was a case of exhausting all other options - this was a rescue dog she'd worked with for nearly a year before going this route (including daily walks and runs). And to see him without his tail constantly between his legs is truly a miraculous thing.

That of course, still doesn't dismiss the other issues this development brings up. Some organizations worry that puppy mills will use it to make puppies more friendly, happier, and therefore more adoptable - leaving rescue dogs that don't take mood enhancers at a disadvantage. And dog shows are grappling with whether to let dogs take mood enhancers during competition.

So there are certainly some points of contention, but there's also the potential to really do some good. And if puppy Prozac keeps adopted dogs from getting abandoned due to behavior problems, well, maybe it really is a viable option.

What are your thoughts on Prozac for pets? Is it doggy doping? Or a good solution for severe separation anxiety? Weigh in with your thoughts below.