5 household items to use as yoga props

Things have gotten a little out of hand. Today I got a press release for Dream Yoga Mats. Described as a "calming and serene way to get ones-self prepared for yoga," the email goes on say "these mats are designed with adventure and fun in mind...and a great way to make the yoga lover feel comfortable and stylish at the same time." Intrigued I click on the link to find that they're just regular yoga mats with embroidered peace signs and om symbols. The brand's tag line reads: "Why practice on a blank mat?"
Because yours cost $60.

People have been practicing yoga for thousands of years. Many, on nothing but a slab of stone and dirt. Do we really need to spend a fortune on customized, brightly colored materials to stretch out bodies? Obvious answer alert: NO.

In fact, your own home is equipped with a bunch of items that are just as useful in your "practice" as a Gaiam-certified block. You may have to overlook a sports team logo or a little cat hair, but it's a small price to pay for not paying a large price.