7 Important Life Lessons We Can Learn from Toddlers

I used to think that as I raised my children, I was their teacher and that it was up to me to teach them everything that I knew about life. It was up to me to set the example. While all of that is still true, what I didn't realize was that my children are teaching me lessons about life too. Maybe even more than I am teaching them. When I sit back and watch my daughter Avery, I am always envious at how she just flows through life without a care in the world. It's that true sense of the moment that she always wants to embrace. Of course, toddlers don't have the same responsibilities that we do as adults, but that doesn't mean that we can't take some of the same approaches they do. Take a look at some of the things that a toddler does that could be a good life lesson for all of us! -By Lauren Jimeson

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