Stay at Home Dogs: 7 Pets Helping Out Around the House...Sort Of

Sure, we all know that pets can be helpful. Dogs can watch the house, cats can sit there and be...soft. But pets often "try" to pitch in with the chores too. Even the laziest dog will eat the crumbs off the floor, and most cats will at least attempt to catch mice. But much of what they do to help out has gone unnoticed - until now. This collection of pets doing their chores shows just how helpful our furry little friends can be with the housekeeping - well, sort of. I've even included some photos of my cat Leia, who is actually helpful, and my lazy cat Luke, who is helpful in the sense that so far he hasn't succeeded in causing my death by tripping me. Click through for 7 pets helping out around the house....sort of! -By Joslyn Gray


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