My Bunk-Bed or Yours?: 7 Signs Your Spouse is More like a Roommate

Just because two people are in a loving and committed relationship, doesn't mean it should be without boundaries (within whatever boundaries the couple sets, it's different for each person and couple). I think when when it's boundary-free you open your marriage up to potential issues like your partner and you feeling like you're just roommates. Yes, we live together, but blurring the lines between spouse and roommate is where you may start to see some issues creeping in. When that happens, you could increase the risk of falling out of love, losing interest in each other, and that can quickly lead to hurt feelings and potentially the end of your relationship. When you live with someone, there's a big difference between being in a committed relationship verses living with a roommate - and getting it mixed can cause issues. Click through for 7 signs your spouse is your roommate! -By Devan McGuinness


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