Going Au Naturel: 7 Celebs Who Aren't Afraid to Go Makeup Free

Celebrities wake up with long, star-studded days ahead of them. They have auditions, rehearsals, gym sessions, you name it. But on set or off, we expect them to always look the part. No matter what they're doing, everyone presumed that they'll look fresh and well-dressed, with perfect hair and makeup. The reality is that many moms (celebrities or otherwise) stay in their sweats until late afternoon, throw their hair in a ponytail, and never apply makeup! But because we are used to seeing celebrities all dolled up on a daily basis on television or the big screen, we have high expectations. I think these celebrities look great without makeup: in sweats, with their glasses on, not torturing their hair with product, and generally just relaxing. Click through for 7 celebs who aren't afraid to go makeup free! -By Natalie Klein

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