Keep Your Affairs in Order: 7 Signs Your Partner May Be Cheating on You

I think one of the hardest situations for a couple to make it through is infidelity. I'm thankful that it's not been an issue in my marriage, but I do know it's been a contributing factor in many breakups of couples who seemed to "have it all." I also think that cheating is not only one of the hardest things to get past in your current relationship, but it can have quite the negative effect on your next relationship as well. It has to be an awful feeling to wonder if your partner may be cheating. There are some who exhibit classic signs that something may be going on and others who seem to hide it better. The classic signs that your partner may be cheating doesn't necessarily mean they are, but it may be something to keep an eye on if you're worried. Click through to read 7 signs your partner may be cheating. - By Devan McGuinness

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