Pet Control: 7 Reasons Why Renting with Animals Can Be a Hassle

Any pet lover who has ever searched for an apartment knows that renting when you have pets can be an unnerving endeavor. Years ago when I searched for apartments in New York City, I encountered the "No pets allowed" clause regularly. Sometimes, I'd call a real estate office or answer an ad to see an apartment only to be told at the viewing that no pet of any kind was allowed. I also had at least two real estate agents tell me that finding an apartment in NYC which allowed pets would be a journey. I had many more real estate agents just never call me back after asking if I owner a pet or not. Others told me to just not mention it to the owner. If I had a cat, I could get away with it, they'd say. Thankfully, now many owners and buildings are allowing pets in their rentals. Have you found renting with pets to be a difficult endeavor? Click through the statistics below from - By Danielle Sullivan

25 horrifying photos of things pets have ruined
10 funny pictures of cats acting like people
20 adorable photos of dogs giving their best "puppy eyes"