Picture Perfect: 7 Hilarious Pet Photos Timed Exactly Right

Some people have a knack for taking incredible photos of their pets, but I am not one of these lucky few. Whether it's a manic photo of a pug zooming down a slide (included here) or a cat popping its head out of a Hollister bag to look like a mutant supermodel hunk with a furry head (also here -- HILARIOUS!), amazing animal photography often happens simply because the photographer has the right timing. I also think having photogenic pets helps a ton. After all, that way it's tough to get a terrible picture! No matter how you reason it, at least those of us who aren't so skilled behind the camera can giggle or drop our jaws in awe at the work of those handier at shooting pet photos. Click through for 7 hilarious pet photos timed exactly right! - By Devan McGuinness

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