Poll Shows Americans Think Dogs Are Better Than Cats, Plus 6 More Hilarious Stats About Pets

Public Policy Polling, which usually sticks with, well, public policy polling as its name suggests, recently released a poll on American relationships with Animals and Pets that is so oddly hilarious, it almost reads like a Daily Show interview…with a six hundred person group meant to vaguely represent the American public. Of the 603 registered voters who answered the 36 question poll between the 11th and 13th of June, 61% said they owned at least one pet, and one in five of those pet owners said they'd rather hang with their pet than other human beings. Read on to see if we think cat people or dog people are freakier, and what creature terrifies us above all others. If nothing else, the survey seems to support that we Americans are a pretty judgy group. -By Morgan Shanahan

25 awkward family photos with pets
16 reasons why cats are better than people
25 horrifying photos of things pets have ruined