Get with the Programs: 7 Insanely Awesome Kids TV Shows from the 1970s

Do you remember popular kid shows from when you were little? If you were anything like me, TV was one of your very best friends. If I'm being honest, TV was one of the highlights of my childhood. Back then, we only had a couple of channels to choose from, but it was enough! There were some fantastic shows, some can't miss viewing! Of course, I've seen a few of these in the past couple of years and they really don't hold up. H.R. Pufnstuf looks like someone produced it in the middle of a bad trip with one camera and a few weird guys he found in the park that were willing to throw on a costume in exchange for a turkey sandwich. But I still remember it fondly. And here are 7 more shows that gave me comfort and remind me that being a kid didn't always suck. -By Stefanie Wilder Taylor

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