Rules of Attraction: 7 Lessons on Love I Hope to Teach My Children

My dearest daughters: I remember the very first time I saw your hearts beat. My eyes fixated on an ultrasound screen as I held my breath waiting. You were tiny, but your heartbeats were there. I remember the comfort I found in seeing that rhythmic motion and how I would eagerly look forward to my next appointment for another chance to hear that precious heartbeat. I knew what an honor and a gift it would be to get to be your mother. And so, it has been my heart's desire to guard your heart, to protect it, and to cherish it all the days of my life. But because I can't be with you every moment of every day I have to rely on my faith and hope that the lessons your father and I teach you will prepare you for life - a life that we pray is always filled with love. In celebration of Valentine's Day, here are 7 love lessons I hope to teach you! - By Krishann Briscoe

20 simple ways to show your kids you love them
11 mistakes all parents make (even the perfect ones!)
10 things I did as a child that kids today would never do