10 Beauty Foods Every Woman Should Be Eating


By Sarah Jio, Glamour magazine

Can you eat your way to beauty? Experts say that the health of skin, hair and nails has a lot do with good nutrition, and here are 10 beauty foods every gal should be eating...

I loved this graphic from Yummy Mummy via Delighted Momma which reminds us of the top foods that can help your body, on the inside and out. Read about all the details here, but here's the list:

See more: 15 Foods That Boost Your Metabolism

1. Blueberries

2. Turmeric

3. Parsley

4. Coconut oil

5. Avocado

6. Tomatoes

7. Pumpkin Seeds

8. Kale

9. Lemon

10. Sardines

Are you eating these foods? I love all of them (yes, even sardines), but don't eat a lot of coconut oil.

Photo Courtesy of Yummy Mummy

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