How to Fix Gross Cuticles in 60 Seconds

by Alexandra Samuel

Arthur Belebeau
Arthur Belebeau

Ragged cuticles are a total buzz kill. In fact, I think 80 percent of the reason I'll get a professional mani in the first place is because my cuticles look way better when an expert cleans them up. But the truth is, we don't have to spend time at the nail salon to get nice cuticles. You can do it at home in one minute. Swear.

So, grab an orange stick, some cuticle oil (I live and die for CND SolarOil, but any hydrating oil does the job -- even olive oil from the kitchen!) and get ready for some well-groomed tips.

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After you hop out of the shower, add a drop of cuticle oil to a nail, massage in really well and then use the orange stick to gently push back the cuticle skin. Repeat on every nail. That's it.

Why after the shower, you ask? Your cuticles will be at their softest. (Think about when your nail technician soaks your tips in a bowl of water. Same idea.)

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That's it. It's almost too simple to be legit, but it works better than any fancy tools I've tried. And forget about using cuticle snippers: We know it's seriously tempting, but using the cutter can possibly lead to infection, damage your nails and harden your cuticles and nail beds in the long run. Basically? Don't do it.

The best part? This should only take, like, a minute. And then more often you do this, the less time it will take. Quick caveat, though: The first time you try this, you may need an exfoliant-based cuticle gel as opposed to the oil aforementioned, as your cuticles are likely dry and stuck to your nail beds. Again, CND has my to-go product. I love their Cuticle Eraser, which has alpha hydroxy acid to melt away super stubborn skin. My editor, Rachel, is a big fan of Sally Hansen Gel Cuticle Remover -- she swears by the stuff after she's gone over five days without getting a professional mani. [Ed. note: Which is quite frequently. - RJ]

What are your go-to cuticle fixers?

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