In the Swim of Things with Philip Kingsley's "Swimcap"

I've definitely been there, as a lifeguard and swim instructor for 6+ years, my hair was hopeless. Completely fried from sun exposure and chlorine, it was dull and lifeless. That's why I was excited to hear about this product - a errr... stroke of genius - which made me buoyant with delight. (But also mournful that I had to endure years of parched frizzies punctuated with overnight oil treatments that just served to stain my pillowcases, but never really restored my strands to their luster.)

Launched at the request of the Olympic Synchronized Swim team to protect their hair from the constant exposure to chlorine, the Philip Kingsley Swimcap ($35) provides ultimate protection while paddling you quickly away from discoloration and damage from the sun, salt, water and wind.

Just apply to dampened hair in sections and comb through. This is definitely gonna go over swimmingly!