Would You Try Sriracha Lip Balm?

Sriracha really is everywhere.
Sriracha really is everywhere.

The motto on the tube reads, "Like making out with tasty napalm!" While that doesn't have us totally convinced about Sriracha Rooster Sauce Lip Balm, J&D's newest product, we're certainly intrigued.

Related: 9 Amazing Ways to Get Your Sriracha Fix (Other Than Lip Balm)

J&D's, the former "America's Funniest Home Videos" champs and inventors of BaconSalt and Baconnaise (yes, bacon-flavored mayonnaise), have teamed up with TheOatmeal.com to bring you the flavored lip balm you never knew you needed.

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While user reviews on Amazon ding the product for not tasting quite like real Sriracha, sentiments are generally positive -- at least, coming from people who like feeling like their lips are on fire.

Tell us: Would you try sriracha lip balm?

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