10 Facts About Chocolate

Chocolate is something that just about everyone has tried at some point and chocolate is something that many people love. Such is the power of chocolate in fact, that books. Movies and even songs have been written about it. Below we look at 10 facts about chocolate.

1. Chocolate may have some health benefits. A lot of people talk about whether or not chocolate is healthy or unhealthy. Generally that are a lot of calories is many chocolate candies but studies have also shown that some chocolate, particularly dark chocolate, is rich in flavonoids because of the high percentage of cocoa. The antiociant value of these ingredients is thought to be beneficial to us, provided we do not overdue it.

2. Chocolate varieties. There are dozens of different types of chocolate and these can range from milk, dark and white chocolate through to chocolate defined by its percentage of cocoa content. It is even possible to get chocolate which is 100% although this for me tasted a little too extreme. Continue Reading>>>