Airline-Friendly Snacks

Pistachio Granola-

Instead of dashing through the airport looking for healthy snacks, make your own and tuck them into your carry-on.

- By Anne Cain, M.S., RD., Senior Food Editor

Pistachio Granola
This crunchy treat boasts healthy fats and fiber to keep you feeling full. Snack on the granola by itself or purchase a carton of milk or yogurt once you make it through security for an energizing breakfast.

Pistachio Granola

Mini Frittatas with Ham and Cheese
These savory, bite-sized frittatas taste delicious both warm and at room temperature. Pack them in an insulated bag and keep them around when you need a high-protein mini-meal. Since these do have eggs and cheese, they're better suited for shorter flights.

Mini Frittatas with Ham and Cheese

Healthful Fruit-and Nut Mix
Throw together this combination of nuts and dried fruit as you race out the door. The combination of sweet fruit and salty nuts satisfies all of your cravings. Add a handful of dark chocolate chips for an antioxidant boost.

Healthful Fruit-and Nut Mix

Peanut Butter-Banana Spirals
Kids will love this snack and never know that the crunch in their roll-up is actually good-for-them wheat germ. These little sandwiches pack well and are the perfect size for small hands. Because the peanut butter is spread thinly on the tortillas instead of being in a jar, it shouldn't be a problem to get these through security.

Peanut Butter-Banana Spirals

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