Astrology.Com Daily FoodScopes -- Friday August 10, 2012

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
One person's kitchen necessity is another's dust collector. Be super-green and upcycle kitchen appliances today. Turns out that bread machine you never use is just what your neighbor needs, while your cousin has a set of pastry bags that are calling your name.

Today's Aries Reading: Free Sample Chakra Reading

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Whether it's based on mushrooms, walnuts and cheese or lentils, there's a pate option out there for everyone, including vegetarians and vegans. You might find that eating one of these lighter, plant-based versions is surprisingly good for your tum and your wallet.

Today's Taurus Reading: Free Sample Career Strengths Reading

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)
It can be hard to stick to the new, healthier version of you. Perhaps you cut out refined flour products only to find that you're going overboard on sugary snacks and fast food. Hey, it's all a process. One by one, you'll get all those trigger foods under control.

Today's Gemini Reading: Free Sample Daily Grind Reading

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)
So the bad news is a loved one has gone vegan. But the good news is many favorite foods have their vegan versions, and most are truly delicious. One great side effect of this change? The more you two eat together, the more you will be eating healthier, too.

Today's Cancer Reading: Free Sample Celtic Love Tarot Reading

Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Study up on your herbs today and you'll figure out which are best to use fresh, and which perform pretty well even when dried. Fresh basil, for example, is the way to go -- the dried herb has almost no flavor. Dried oregano, on the other hand, actually tastes pretty good.

Today's Leo Reading: Free Sample Extreme Makeover Tarot Reading

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
You're in a decadent kind of mood, but even when you're in the grip of strong appetites, you know how to stay strong. So while you may dip some potato chips in sour cream, you won't eat more than a handful. Good for you. Relish every bite!

Today's Virgo Reading: Free Sample Destiny Reading

Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Do something whimsical today. Set the table with mismatched china. Give a brand-new recipe a funny name. Ditch the kitchen altogether and set out a blanket in your backyard and invite the neighbors over.

Today's Libra Reading: Free Sample Love Meter

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Never underestimate the power of a good meal. It can restore flagging spirits, help ward off minor illnesses and create a sense of community. And a lifetime of clean and sustainable eating habits creates energy and health.

Today's Scorpio Reading: Free Sample Personal Astrology Profile

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
As a Fire sign, you tend toward extremes. If you overindulged and ate six cookies today, the answer is not to immediately eat an enormous spinach salad or starve yourself. Wait until you feel actual hunger. Then eat something healthy!

Today's Sagittarius Reading: Free Sample Maya-Aztec Reading

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Don't get stuck on the idea of eating breakfast foods only at breakfast. A bite of last night's leftover fish and brown rice are actually great brain food. Or mix it up and put sour cream and caramelized onions on your morning bagel.

Today's Capricorn Reading: Free Sample Astro Identity Reading

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
You're all about helping other people, but trying to help someone who hasn't asked for your advice technically is called being a busybody. So even though eating a vegan diet has helped you immensely, your friend may not want to hear it.

Today's Aquarius Reading: Free Sample Karmic Love Reading

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
There are short-term food decisions and long-term food decisions. Having a plate of French fries even though you had one four days ago? Short term. Deciding to get a salad instead because you had French fries four days ago? Long term.

Today's Pisces Reading: Free Sample Past Life Reading

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