Astrology.Com FoodScopes – Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Just about everyone eats far more salt than they need to. Do your body (and waistline) a favor by cutting back on sodium and adding more herbs and spices to your meals. When the flavor is high, you need less salt. Zest and juice from lemon and limes work, too.

Today's Aries Reading: Free Sample Astro Identity Reading

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
The good news is that there's a lot of scientific evidence that a plant-based diet can help prevent, and in some cases, reverse serious medical conditions like heart disease. All the more reason to look for healthier, sustainable ways to eat, starting today!

Today's Taurus Reading: Free Sample Personal Astrology Profile

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)
A kitchen appliance's value depends on how much you use it -- the actual cost is irrelevant. So if you find that a fancy food processor comes into rotation once or twice a year, it might be a smart move to sell or barter with it for something you do use.

Today's Gemini Reading: Free Sample Celtic Love Tarot Reading

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)
A community and people-based activity appeals to Water signs, who need to regularly participate in events that make them feel grounded. Help clean up a riverbank today, or volunteer at a community garden or local food bank.

Today's Cancer Reading: Free Sample Maya-Aztec Reading

Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Salads really don't have to contain lettuce to be delicious. Mix up a sliced, ripe avocado with red onions, chopped mint and some good feta cheese for a salad that's simultaneously crisply refreshing and satisfying, too.

Today's Leo Reading: Free Sample Harmony Reading

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Explore different kinds of flavors today. If you live near an Asian market, see if they have rau ram, also known as Vietnamese cilantro. This aromatic, peppery herb is great with other strong flavors, especially curry, garlic and citrus.

Today's Virgo Reading: Free Sample Chakra Reading

Libra (September 23 - October 22)
A toast rack might not be a ridiculous affectation, but just the thing you need to make sure that the bread holding your BLT together remains crisp and toasty. If you don't want to buy a toast rack, just balance two pieces of bread together, teepee style.

Today's Libra Reading: Free Sample Priority Shuffle Tarot Reading

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Don't skimp on servings today. You might think only one or two people are coming over for dinner, but there could be a surprise. Now, you don't generally love surprises, but this unexpected guest might be quite delightful.

Today's Scorpio Reading: Free Sample Past Life Reading

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Cleaning out your cupboards will help you feel a lot more calm the next time you go into your kitchen to tackle a new recipe. So get rid of that stack of cookbooks you never looked through and donate a heap of kitchen tools to a local soup kitchen.

Today's Sagittarius Reading: Free Sample Friends and Lovers Reading

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Start bringing coffee to work and you'll save money and create a lot less waste. When you do step out for a beverage, get something different, like a boba tea or fresh-squeezed mango juice. Voluntary change is good for Earth signs.

Today's Capricorn Reading: Free Sample Numerology One-Year Forecast

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
There can be a lot of joy in mismatched dishes, especially if those clashing colors and patterns all have an underlying common scheme. Few signs understand this, but you do and you're a master at creating harmony out of chaos.

Today's Aquarius Reading: Free Sample Karmic Love Reading

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
The couple who cooks and eats together stays together, and that's true whether you have a mate, a best friend or a sister who's important to you. Spending time in the kitchen and over meals creates a stronger relationship, which is really important for everyone involved.

Today's Pisces Reading: Free Sample Karma Reading

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